Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chill in the air

Ok maybe not today with the temp hitting 75-80 here in Chicagoland but there is a chill in the air coming and with that it makes me think of hearty beers. One of my favorite styles of beer is the Brown Ale or some times called a Nut Brown Ale. They might not be the hearties of beers but they make me think of fall and cooler weather. Maybe it is the lower hop presences or just the color of reddish brown to dark brown that reminds me of fall. The leaves are changing (well they should be if they had not been fried this summer), there is a chill and the sun sets earlier.

Sitting on my porch with a mug of Sam Smith's Nut Brown Ale and watching the leaves dance in the wind is one of the joys I get from this time of year. Oktoberfest beers have passed on with the weather and the Stouts and Bocks are not in season yet (Yes I know you can get them all the time now). A good warming stew for dinner and another mug of brown ale completes the day for me. I think as beer drinkers we appreciate slower paced things like an Autumn sunset and the slow change of the leaves. Too much of our world is rush and get this done, hurry up and do this, faster we need this now. Take the time get yourself a good mug of ale sit back and relax.

Do you have a favorite brown ale or fall beer that lets you sit back and relax a bit and watch the leaves? Leave me a comment or send me an email to Also I am still looking for guest to be on the Pubcast with me. I have not yet bought my digital recorder but I will soon. If you are interested in being a guest let me know

Thanks and May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint!"


Arthur said...

I'm not much for Nut Browns generally -- they aren't bad, they just aren't a big thing for me. Recently, though, I rather enjoyed a bottle of Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Nectar -- a brown ale, but nutty!

Murphy said...
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Murphy said...

Thanks for the Comment Ashipkowski...
I have not tried that particular one from Rouge yet. Though I am enjoying Rouge Dead Guy from Jewel in growlers. Check you local store they may have them.

I will be looking for Hazelnut Nectar.. Thanks for the suggestion.