Monday, November 24, 2008


For ease of use reasons we have conslidate all the posting links and podcasts on one site.

Murphy's Pubcast

That has it all now folks so come see us there and have a listen!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weekend Beer Trip!!

OK this past weekend you know we went on a bit of a beer tating tour. It was quite a bit of fun.
I started out on Friday at the The Lodge in Lisle. The beers
Surly Bitter Brewer- Ok beer mostly just a bitter taste not much else in the way of depth

New Holland Existential Ale - Very nice deep and hoopy rich wine style beer with very nice spicy notes of hops with a good balance of malt.

Two Brothers Bare Tree wiess Wine- Great tasting deep rich beer. Complex flavors of wood fruit and malt are all at play in this great beer.

North Coast Le Merle Saison. I am a fan of this styel of beer and this one is a very good example of that style. Smooth and malty with a nice touch of black pepper and frutiy smoothness

Mac's in Wicker Park Great place to hang out.
Lake Front organic ESB- overly sweet tasting ESB.. so though it is a good beer it is not an ESB to me.
Small Bar. Really cool bar with a great staff and an amazing beer list
Surly Saison- Yet another good example of this style. At one time this style was fading but thanks to the USA craft beer industry it is making a come back.
Moonshine This place rocks! The bartender Will is awesome and friendly with very good beer knowledge.
Peak Organic Amber Ale Not a bad beer. Nice american amber ale with a smooth clean taste.
Their own IPA Crips and clean with a nice refreshing hop bite. Great summer beer.
Porter- this is their take on a light porter. It is realy good easy drinking and smmooooth. Not very heavy on the roasted malts but a good rich flavor still comes out.
Wheat beer This beer is smoft and simple on the tounge and refreshing after a hot humid walk
Piece- DUDE!! go there this place has awesome pizza and the beers are really good to boot!
Big Black Miriah The wife had this beer she enjoyed the deep rich coffee tones and the thick and rich malts.
Worryn' Ale Great tasting and smooth english brown ale. They won gold with this and I can see why
Binny's South Loop Chicago
Prima Pills. Definitly one of the best examples of this beer style. Crisp clean and gloden in color the taste is the same. Crisp dry and light with a good malt to bring it all around.
Gnarly Wine- Lagunitas version of a barlywine. Rich and deep tastes of age with this beer. Malt heads win with this one for sure.
Fullers Vintage Ale '04 Super beer that is for sure. Bottle conditioned this beer ages to a deep thick flavor of thick malts and rich flavors

Monday, June 16, 2008

Ok I know its been a while sorry

The Newest Podcast about some nice things

Ok then I have other links here as well.
Pints For Prostates Its a way to get men awar of PSA testing and I think it is a good idea
Come on Miller do the right thing This is about some workers trying to make it in life

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

15 beer myths explored

15 most popular beer myths
Check out our discussion of them as well.

I'll give you the text as well.

Myth #1 – Dark Beer is Heavy

Couldn’t be further from the truth, folks. Colour in beer comes purely from the grain used in its creation, with darker beers containing more toasted or roasted barley malt and paler beers containing less or no darker malts. And roasting malt doesn’t make it heavier or more caloric.

Myth #2 – Ale is Stronger than Lager

The funny thing about this popular North American myth is that Brits think the exact opposite, with the perception in the U.K. being that way because best bitters normally sit around 4% alcohol by volume and lagers generally come in around 5%. The truth is that alcohol comes from the amount of sugars provided for fermentation and has nothing to do with whether that fermentation takes place at warmer (ale) or cooler (lager) temperatures.

Myth #3 – Beer Makes You Fat

Inactivity and bad diet make you fat. Beer, when enjoyed in moderation and as part of balanced lifestyle, doesn’t.

Myth #4 – Stout is a “Meal in a Glass”

Most stouts are no more caloric or filling than the yellow lager many people knock back by the pint on a Saturday night. The reason we think otherwise is because we expect something that has a very dark colour to be richer than something that’s pale. See Myth #1.

Myth #5 – Bock is Brewed Each Spring After the Brewing Tanks are Cleaned

This one is so prevalent that it even made it into the pages of the landmark Time-Life book series, “Foods of the World,” in the “Wine and Spirits” volume. The idea is that the brewer cleans his or her tanks once a year and ferments the gunk scraped off the sides into a beer called bock. Suffice to say that any brewer who did this once wouldn’t be in business long enough to do it again. (Bock is simply a Germanic style of strong lager, likely originating in the town of Einbeck, from which the corruption “bock” was formed.)

Myth #6 – Cold-Filtering

Here’s one from the marketing geniuses behind the big breweries. Simply, all beer is cold-filtered, since only a fool would run their beer through a “hot filter,” even if such a thing did exist in a brewery. What the use of this phrase is really saying, usually, is that the beer is not pasteurized, as are many of the world’s biggest selling brands.

Myth #7 – Draught Gets You Drunk Faster than Bottled Beer (or Vice Versa)

Here’s what gets you drunk: Alcohol. Whether it comes from bottled or draught beer, wine, cocktails or straight spirits doesn’t matter.

Myth #8 – Imported Beer is Better than Domestic Beer

Almost every brewer exporting his or her beer to a foreign destination exploits this myth at one time or another, whether implicitly or explicitly. But that fact remains that beer from any given country is not necessarily going to be better than that from another, as witnessed by some of the great beers I’ve tasted from non-traditional brewing countries like Italy and Brazil, or some of the poor ones I’ve had from brewing powers like England and Belgium.

Myth #9 – Wine is More Complex Than Beer

Give me a break! I enjoy wine as much as the next drinker, and I appreciate the complexities and nuances of a truly fine zinfandel or sauvignon blanc, but how can a drink made from a single ingredient, grapes, be necessarily more complex in flavour than one made from a minimum of water, malt and hops and an almost limitless diversity of other ingredients? Ever find coriander or cumin notes in a wine? No? Well, you can in a beer.

Myth #10 – “That Beer I Had last Night Made Me Sick”

Maybe the scallops you ate at dinner made you sick, or perhaps you picked up a contaminant from somewhere else or simply drank too much. But being a boiled and fermented alcoholic beverage, the chances of a beer causing illness is very, very, very slight.

Myth #11 – Fruit Beers Are “Girly Beers”

Get it straight: Hops only started being used in brewing about 1,000 to 1,200 years ago. Up until then, for at least five millennia, beer was flavoured with a wide variety of spices, herbs and, yes, fruits. In fact, archeological research has shown that King Tut drank fruit beer, and he was one dude you could hardly consider “girly.”

Myth #12 – Ales Are Necessarily Better Than Lagers

This common though misguided beer aficionado myth stems largely from the fact that most major brewery brands are lagers, and the vast majority of those lie low on the flavour meter. But as many excellent lager brewers show, cold-fermented beers like Ontario’s King Pilsner, Live Oak Pilz from Texas and the classic Budweiser Budvar from the Czech Republic, sold in North America as Czechvar, can be every bit as flavourful, complex and rewarding as any ale.

Myth #13 – Canadian Beer is Stronger Than American Beer

A popular perception from the bad old days of major brewery domination, this one stemmed from the fact that, until recently, American breweries measured their alcohol contents by weight while Canadians used volume measures. Since 4% alcohol by weight is equal to 5% by volume, north-of-the-border brews were thought to be more potent than their southern cousins. Today, with 1,400 breweries in the States and another couple of hundred in Canada, this shouldn’t even be remotely considered as valid.

Myth #14 – German Wheat Beers Are Flavoured With Bananas and Cloves

The Bavarian Purity Law of 1516, called the Reinheitsgebot, mandates that beer be made from only malted grain, hops and water, with yeast as a given. So no, there are no fruits or spices in the Bavarian style of wheat beer variously known as hefeweizen, weissbier or hefeweissbier. What causes the banana and clove flavours and aromas normally associated with these brews are the particular yeasts used to ferment them.

Myth #15 – Beer and Fine Dining Don’t Mix

With its wealth of flavours and finely nuanced characters, the world of beer has a style to pair with any food, from the commonplace to the extravagant. (See Myth #9 for more on this.) The reason we tend to place wine at the table rather than beer is because that’s what the French do, and the western world learned much of what it knows about fine dining from the French.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Beer Winners and Losers

For the Winners check out the results of theGreat American Beer Fest

For Losers well you heard the pubcast. Lombard Ale house counts as a loser

Also losing is Chicago because the Goose Island Clayborn is closing. 20 years they have been there but nothing is more powerful than the greed of the all mighty dollar.
We will miss you... but maybe a closer one to me will open up!!!

Goose Island to lose lease Sad times for sure. Well lets hope the get something they deserve... Like Wal-mart for losers

Thanks for checking us out.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Pubcast Opener!

Thanks again Matt for the opener. I hope you all like it

Ok important news from Boston Beer Co. About the bottle recall. Click on their name and find out what you need to know

New Holland Bottle Cap Poetry Check it out it looks like it could be fun!!

Now go help Phil win with his Quack-a-dillas! On Bobby Flay's Grill it! Its a good video and looks like great food as well!

Not much else is going on in the world for us right now. Just trying to enjoy the few brief moments of sunshine we get this weekend and just being glad that we are off work!

thanks for st oping by!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pubcast #27 OOGY WAWA!

Ok so here are some links and what not
Draft Magazine

All about Beer

The Beer Magazine

Find Your State's Laws on Liquor

Flossmoor Station 21st Amendment celebration beers

Here's To Beer

Beer Rainbow!

I'd like to thank all of you who come to listen and read the mayhem that is my pubcast. You guys make it all worth while

I say Cheers and Oogy Wawa to you all and if you like pick one of your own
Cheers Around the World!

Oh yeah the Wife wanted this added


Sunday, March 30, 2008

6 places you should try! #26

Ok here are the places we talked about on the pub cast

Six featured Breweries
Two Brothers

Three Floyds

New Holland

Capital Brewery

Lake Front

New Glarus

Thanks for coming by and ENJOY!

Oh yeah the LOLcat and Beer link click here

Oh look below for a food pairing list

The food and beer list

This is by no means a complete list or set in stone. These are jsut some of my ideas that I have worked out. Take it with a grain of.. barley and enjoy!


Beef vegetable
English brown ale or porter

Lobster bisque

Cream soups
Hoppy pilsner

Vienna lager

French onion
Scotch ale

British-style pale ale

Fruits and salads
Fruit salad
German-style Hefeweizen

Green salad w/cream dressing

Green salad w/ vinaigrette
Hoppy brown ale

Red Meats

Roast beef
British-style pale ale

Beef teriyaki
Cream ale

Roast beef w/gravy
Scottish ale

Carbonade of beef
Flemish brown ale

Roast leg of lamb
Scottish ale

Hearty beef stew

Robust brown ale or Scottish ale

British-style pale ale

Amber ale styles

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Pork ribs w/barbecue sauce
Vienna lager

Chicken Kiev
Bohemian pilsner

Roast chicken
Dunkel lager

Fish and Seafood

Barbecued salmon
Dunkel lager or dry bock
Raw oysters
Cajun-style shellfish
Best bitter

Smoked salmon
Dry stout
Grilled or broiled whitefish
Bohemian or German pilsner

Steamed mussels and clams
The same beer as used for steaming

Lobster or crab
Stout or Bohemian pilsner

Cheese omelets
Weizen or best bitter Farmer’s breakfast
Oatmeal stout
Eggs Benedict
Weizen Scrambled eggs
Belgian-style wheat beer


Bananas Foster
Weizen Flourless

chocolate cake
Imperial stout

Cherry pie

Lemon meringue pie
American wheat ale or weizen

Chocolate cheesecake
Scotch ale
Plain Belgian chocolate
Belgian abbey ale

Chocolate pudding cake
Sweet stout or barley wine

Raspberries Crumble
Raspberry wheat beer

Chocolate pudding or mousse
Oatmeal stout

Strong fruit ale

Christmas pudding
Strong, spiced ale


Canadian cheddar
Best bitter

French Brie
Dry stout
Cream cheese w/pepper
German pilsner


Wheat ale

Smoked Gruyère

Danish blue cheese
Dry stout

Barley wine or old ale

Monday, March 24, 2008


Well Its after Easter but Hoppy Easter any how
Yes I tried the pizza beer and I would say its.. its.. umm..

Did you listen to the podcast? Then I think you know LOL
My Beer Advocate Review

Any way I do not have the food paring list but I will get it up as soon as I get it put together.
We are still looking for people to call us or contact us so we can put you on the air

email us at
You can be part of the madness!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Just a nice note to say

Monday, March 10, 2008

Binny's Blackie's and Burning Down the House #24

Ok so I learned a lesson this week. Don't try to roast a chicken near a very sensitive smoke detector while doing a podcast.

Any way Pubcast #24 Is up and running. We visit Binny's in the South Loop. Its a great place to go and well worth the ride in to check it out.
They have a tasting bar!!!

The place is awesome!
Binny's Locations Gives you a list of the stores. Sadly the places do not have their own websites.


Dave we had a great time down at the South loop store and Yes we will go once more.

Also we went to Boston Blackies I don't have a website for them but the one we went is at 164 E Grand Ave, Chicago. The place is great, Has that old gangster feel and with all the old movie pictures and what not around you feel as if you are in an old speak easy

If you get a chance go they have GREAT burgers

Thanks for listening and you know you can email me any time we are looking for guests now to do phone interviews with

Sunday, March 2, 2008

We're BACK!! #23

Well we survived the DEATH FLU and now we are back with a new episode

I was going to fill this space with lots of news but you know what I'll fill it with links to the news and breweries

One thing I do want to say is I met some more interesting people that The Lodge in Lise this week. I tell you it so nice to sit and have great beers and talk to really interesting people about beer.

I'd like to say Hell o to Tim Mareau. I talked to him at The Lodge. Nice guy and full of all kinds of beer .. I mean beer Knowledge. He's met some interesting people and has some great stories to tell. You get a chance to meet him say hello and sit a spell and have a chat with him.

Ok time for a full list of Beer News links and Breweries

Craft Brew sales up 12%! WOO HOO!

New Craft Beer Drinker crowned

Pizza beer? You decide

Miler Lite Craft Beer.. Umm ok sure

Thanks to Beer Advocate for those news links

Now for the Breweries we discussed

Anchor Brewery
Great beers and the Godfather of Craft beer

Bell's Brewery
A hero of mine for sticking it to the MAN!

Great Lakes
Great Lakes and great beers what more can you say except enjoy!

Magic Hat
The Magic is in their minds, hands, and beers

Left Hand Brewery
This is a case of you had better know what the left hand is doing because you may miss out on great beer!

Thanks for coming I hope you enjoyed it all

Monday, February 18, 2008

Being an advocate for Beer #22

Well this week we spent some time talking to people about beer and peer places and the wife and I thought maybe we can to a little pubcast on how to be a beer advocate. There is a great site Beer Advocate That is all about beer. We share some of our experiences with talking to people about beer.

Also how to not be a beer jerk, or a beer snob because in all honesty that turns people off.

I'd like to say hi to Matt and Katie as well as Harry and our old Friend Q-ball.. Met all these nice people at The Bavarian Lodge in Lisle ,which has a new look on their website.

There will be some pictures here later once I get them downloaded.

The new beer we tried this week is Floris Apple from the makers of Delirium beers
Brouwerij Huyghe in Belgium

Oh you know one things I forget to give in all this time was the link to my reviews on Beer Advocate. Murphy's Reviews I am under the name, Taelec on there I'll put the link on the side bar as well.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Even you can age beer #21

Well another week and another topic has come by my way. Aging beers. Now if you have a nice house with a great beer cellar than you are probably already in the know about how to age beer.
But if you live in an apartment and have no cellar never fear you are not out of luck. We have a some tips on the pubcast #21 You too can age beer. I'll have some notes here and a link to a great site about aging beer, down to the chemistry involved.

Aging beer is a great way to take a really good beer and make it even better. Aging lets the beer flavors mellow, mingle, and mix to achive some really astounding tastes and depth of character. A few pubcast ago I had talked about aging a beer accidentally. It was an Edmund Fitzgerald from Great Lakes.pubcast #11 I had left it in a fridge for about a year and I tell you there was a big difference. the beer had a richer more complex taste to it. I like the beer but this was even better than fresh. There are some beers that should be fresh but we are not worried about those. We are thinking about beers you can age.

When you want to ager a beer. In a cellar or in a beer fridge you should consider a few things.

1st and foremost is get a quality beer. Not some mass produced low grade swill but a good solid beer from a reputable and good or excellent brewer.

2nd Decide what kind you would like to age or if you can pick one style get a varity of what you like and experiment. Look for beers with big taste like an Imperial IPA or a a good Barleywine. Belgium strongs both light and dark. You get the idea.

3rd check out the ABV% higher the better for the most part. You really don't want to age a beer that is under 5-6% they jsut won't last the time you need to develope those tastes. A good idea is to star with 10% and up but that 7-9% range can work. Try them out and see how it goes.

4th Place to age. If you have the cellar you want a nice cool dark out of the way place where the beer can sit and develope. Store them up right and let nature take its course. Stay away from places taht have a wild range of temps. You do not want it too cold the beer chemistry will not take place. Too warm and you spoil the beer. There is lots of thought on the temperature range but I think a good rule of thumb is around 45- 55 degrees F. If you do not have the cellar get yourself a spare fridge. Get a good thermometer set you fridge up and get it to that nice stable temp range and then filler up. Though with a fridge corked bottles are not really a good idea. A fridge is a very dry place and that could ruin your corks and lead to spoilage. If you want and can afford the wine fridge go for that. It keeps the inside more humid so corks don't dry out. Again store up right as much as possible.

So you see it is possible to age in an apartment if you give it some thought and figure out what you want to do. The one draw back of course is you limit your aging stock if you can only get a small fridge. Although it is worth the effort and it gives you a great place to experiment.

Oh one more thing about aging. PUT THE DATE ON YOUR BEER! it helps to know how long its been in there :)

What we are aging.
Bells 3rd coast Old Ale
Hop Wallop
Edmund Fizgerald from
3 Philosophers
North Coast Old Stock Ale
Bells Two Hearted

All that aside don't forget the
Wife's birthday is Feb. 14th
... I'm going to have to get her Something nice.. maybe beer.

Ok links time

The Brew Basement This guy know his beer aging. Check out all the information

Oy Sinebrychoff Ab Makers of the Porter I tried this week

Kerry Piper Not a beer bar so to say but a great place to go and have a good time

So thanks for coming by we will see you in a week!
This was sent to me by a listener. He as a lot of great ideas here and the invention is pretty cool too.
Some tips on laying beer down for storage…
1. You are right; you don't actually lay it on its side. Keep itstanding upright, this will compact the yeast on the bottom of thebottle.
2. If you will be keeping the beer a long time you may want to dip thecap in Wax. Over a long time O2 can leak in around the cap or throughthe cork, oxidizing the beer. Regular candle wax will work, but mosthomebrew shops have the good wax like they use on wine bottles.
3. Refrigerators cycle temperatures that are how they do the frostfree trick. So it is a good idea to insolate the bottles in the fridge. That way the bottles do not swing in temperature as much as the air in the fridge. Even just a beer cozy will help.
I have invented a little part used in long term storage of fermented beverages inCornelius kegs
Thanks Jeff!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Playing with the new toy and some goose

Just playing around to lighten a bit of a tuff mood of late around the house.
Enjoy and feel free to share your own

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A blending we will go.. Some ideas for homemade black and tans

Ok so we don't brew the beer but we can mix beers at home.

On Beer Advocate the member HombreWing started a thread about making his own black and tan. He used Troegs Scratch #5 and Nugget Nector. I decided I want make some of my own mixes.

My first attempt is was with what I had at home at the time. Great Lakes Commadore Perry IPA and Left Hand Black Jack Porter.. AKA Black Jack Perry (I like this name) Unlike other mixes I have had in the past this one starts out chocolatey up front and finishes with a nice crisp hoppy bite. Usually you get the hop up first. I liked this mix of a straight 50/50. The sweetness of the lefthand was a good balance to the IPA. With one success I forged on and wento and baought some beers.

BA member Stopbarking gave me the idea of Hop Wallop with Storm King Stout from Victory Brewing in PA. I tired this one as 60% Wallop and 40% Storm King. I really liked this mix. I called it a Wallop King or King Wallop not sure which I like better. After that I made waht is called a Dark Devil. Hop Devil and Strom King from Victory as well. I did a 50/50 mix with this one. I have to say I was not as impressed with this one. I think I should have done a 60/40 mix. The Mix looked great but there was not smoothness of blends this time. Sharp almost acid like bite of the hops up front and then noting till the really hard coffee finish of the Storm King. I'll try it again with a different ratio see how it goes.

So I moved on to maybe and English style of a black and tan. I used St. Pete's Golden Ale and St. Pete's Bottled Aged Old Porter. This went into my litter stiend. MAN! the color was gorgeous! A very beautiful rich garnet red! The mix sparkled int he light it was truly a pretty sight to see. This mix was 50/50 and the taste was very well balanced. The sweet smooth golden ale showed right off on the tounge with a nice but not heavily bitter finish. The two just seemd to blend so well I just may have to do this one more often. On of my favorites by far. Need a name for it. I thought of St Pete's Tanning Salon but the wife laughed at me so not sure on that one.

Finally back to America for the final mix. Anchor Liberty Ale and Achor Porter. (no name yet either) This too went into the liter stien with a 50/50 mix. This was another nice red color with a very balanced taste. There was the smoothness you expect from this style but the end had just the right hint of dark toffee to make you thirsty for more.

Also we managed to make it to the Lunar this weekend. Charlie had this wonderful Imperial Blackberry Cream Ale!! Great stuff. Sweet with jsut enough hops to balance the whole beer out. VERY drinkable!

A whole list of Black and Tan mixes for you

That is the stations you can listen you Yeast Slurry
Also remember he is on at 7:30pm Sundays now
The stations the podcast air on are :
KBSU 730 AM - Boise, Idaho
KEZJ 1450 AM - Twin Falls, Idaho
KBSK 88.9 FM - McCall, Idaho

Fellow Beer Casters Davis on Draft.
They are a lot of fun too!

Ruby Tuesdays is going to carry craft beer in thier resturants! Thats good News

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Ok it seems is having server troubles. You still might be able to get downloads and I hope they get it fixed before next weeks cast.

Thanks for checking me out. I'll keep you all posted about Mypodcast. com if anything changes.

Just a hint for this Sunday.. Maybe some blending beers recipes

You know like a home made black and tan.. So you on the Internet

EDIT!! is up and running just fine thanks

Sunday, January 27, 2008

IBUs IPAs AIPAs and more letters that make somthing like a post.

Those are the three beers I talk about.

Well this week we talk about.. or at least try to talk about IPA style beers. Also I made it back to the Lodge.. and even mention that I will be making beer can chicken!! wooo!

I heard from the sources at the Lodge they are adding more taps which is always a good thing.. More good beer is always a good thing! Doing a little research can be a bad thing

IBU means International Bitterness Units.

The formula is there if you can figure it out or already understand it you are doing a lot better than we are!
Isohumulone This is another fun bit of trivia!

Hello Greg and Brian,,, nice to talk to you guys!

You will want to check on the Lodge.. Look for it on the links list on the right of the screen. It will be well worth your time.
Check out the Breweries I mention.. You learn a lot about beer form just learning about them

Great Lakes
Victory Brewing
Bells Brewery
Three Floyds

Beer can Chicken!

It works well if you have one of those stands
You will want to get a set of herbs to place in the beer to give off even more flavor. I just get the Poultry Rub mix. Its got a great selection of herbs that will give your chicken a deep rich flavor.
(Marjoram, Thyme, Sage, and Rosemary)
Its real easy. Just place you chicken of the can of beer with the herbs in it. Use the stand really it helps

Roast for about an hour. at say 400 degrees. Always check the temp of you food to make sure its done.
For chicken you want it to be about 180 degrees F. I know that seems high but you want to be safe.

Carefully take the chicken off the stand and let rest under tinfoil for about 10 minutes.
Carve up and serve with a nice side

I am making a mix of roasted winter root veggies.

Cut up some potatoes, carrots, and turnips sprinkle on some olive oil salt and pepper and roast with the chicken ( they might not take as long usually about 45 minutes)

And there you have dinner.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I let the wife join me.. Gee Thanks Matt

Ok Just kidding Matt we had a good time together. In case you are wondering who Matt is just click on his Pod cast in the links bar.. Yeast Slurry... Nice guy and a good cast about Beer.
Ok so this week the Wife actually took part in the pub cast. So you can all let me know what you think of it. I have been trying to get her on here since the start of this thing.. I like having her around when I go do beer things. She is pretty knowledgeable about beer and that always surprises people..

Kind of like.. "A woman knows about beer .. who'd a thunk it?.." LOL

any way.. This week I talk about Rock Bottom beers that I tried and some new acquisitions.. Though I forgot one... I pick up a Goose Island Bourbon County Aged Beer. Man is it good. its kicking my butt right now as I type this :P The others were Kilt Lifter by Moylans. A very good Scotch Wee Heavy beer. It smooth and creamy and I bet if you had enough you'd lift a kilt or two...

Old Horizontal Barley wine style beer from Victory.. another heady beer with a good kick in it. I guess the cold weather brought out the high ABV in me. It was -5 F when I got up today so I need that little nip to keep me going. Also I had a Hop Wallop by Victory.. was not real impressed by it but I'll try it again. Never give up on a beer after the first tasting. If it is a decent beer that is. Coors Light yeah you can pass it by.

Speaking of yellow piss water Miller is releasing MGD 64 which is their answer to Mich ultra.

Yeah here is a can of water with a beer waved over it..

Ok that aside I also talked about how to get into the craft beer realm. I think there are some good craft packs out there to get people started. Here is a short list of what I think might get people into good beer
Red Hook Beers
JW Dundee's
I add the last one because you can get it everywhere and its not a bad beer.

So Links Time

mail me:
Listen to me .. Just click on Murphy's Pubcast in the links table

Beer links and new links
Red Hook




JW Dundee's

Read it and weep MGD 64

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Post number 2 of the new year.. Maybe this will go somewhere :)

Ok this week once more we are at the Lodge and Lunar.. I got to try Lumpy Gravy sounds nasty but its a great sweet malty beer from Lagunitas. The link will be below with the others.

As I mentioned in the pub cast there is a new article about Granite City Brewing

Also A bit of other news Two Brothers Brewing company will be opening their new Brewpub in the near future. I'm excited about this. Its always nice to see the Little guys doing well
My Chili Recipe
1 cup diced green onions
2 cloves diced garlic
1lb ground beef
1 bottle of porter (I use left hand)
1 Tablespoon of the following
cyan pepper
chili powder
2-3 tablespoons of cumin ( I like cumin)
160z tomato sauce
6 oz of tomato paste
can of red beans
Saute' the garlic and onions
Fry the beef until no long pink
add a table spoon of cumin
add the beer and bring a to a boil
place in the crock pot ad the sauces the rest of the cumin and slow cook for about 5 hours
salt and pepper to taste

Links time
The Lodge
Granite City

The pubcast itself.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Poor Phil's, Eric's Quest and more things

Well this week we went to Poor Phils in Oak Park. We had a good time. Nice place to go and worth the time to check it out. Also we head to Lunar once more.. go figure...

I don't have Eric's blog yet but when I do I will post an update about it

The Book I have is Wildbrews: Beer Beyond the Influence of Brewer's Yeast

Its about lambic style beer and its a very good read I'm only thru the first few chapters and I have learned quite a bit.
Thanks for coming by

Here is a link to Phil's

I have a link to Lunar now too WOO HOO!!!