Sunday, March 2, 2008

We're BACK!! #23

Well we survived the DEATH FLU and now we are back with a new episode

I was going to fill this space with lots of news but you know what I'll fill it with links to the news and breweries

One thing I do want to say is I met some more interesting people that The Lodge in Lise this week. I tell you it so nice to sit and have great beers and talk to really interesting people about beer.

I'd like to say Hell o to Tim Mareau. I talked to him at The Lodge. Nice guy and full of all kinds of beer .. I mean beer Knowledge. He's met some interesting people and has some great stories to tell. You get a chance to meet him say hello and sit a spell and have a chat with him.

Ok time for a full list of Beer News links and Breweries

Craft Brew sales up 12%! WOO HOO!

New Craft Beer Drinker crowned

Pizza beer? You decide

Miler Lite Craft Beer.. Umm ok sure

Thanks to Beer Advocate for those news links

Now for the Breweries we discussed

Anchor Brewery
Great beers and the Godfather of Craft beer

Bell's Brewery
A hero of mine for sticking it to the MAN!

Great Lakes
Great Lakes and great beers what more can you say except enjoy!

Magic Hat
The Magic is in their minds, hands, and beers

Left Hand Brewery
This is a case of you had better know what the left hand is doing because you may miss out on great beer!

Thanks for coming I hope you enjoyed it all

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